Cooking on Gas, or Unity!
I am so happy to find out that I can install Unity on Ubuntu, without the aid of even Wine. I guess it’s probably been like this for a while, but it makes a massive difference to teaching computer science or media production, if you can access the tools used in industry natively. Unity Hub comes as a Beta AppImage , but when I tried to run it, was met with frustration (first you need to ensure the AppImage file is executable) because the AppImage would start to open Unity Hub, but then after trying to login, the browser wouldn’t speak to the application to tell it I was authorised. Thankfully all it took was a few lines in Bash / Terminal to change the to executable and then it ran perfectly, minutes later I was downloading and installing the Unity Editor. After the first installation of Unity Editor, I was happy about being able to get it running and so very excited at the prospect of exploring the tutorials; its been a while since I last used Unity and so rusty doesn’...